Cherry Picking with Alexia Benn

We Spent How Much Enforcing Fairy Creek?!

Alexia Season 1 Episode 16

This week on Episode 16 of Cherry Picking, we take a look at exactly how much money was spent in just 5 months on RCMP enforcement of logging up at Fairy Creek, alongside numbers from the enforcement of Coastal Gaslink on Wet'suwet'en territory. But, it runs deeper than that. A few weeks ago, we discussed Trudeau's promise to increase military spending by 70% over the course of 20 years. In addition to RCMP enforcement of resource extraction projects and Trudeau's commitment, we're also seeing examples of budget increases to municipal police departments such as Victoria and Vancouver. 

So, where does all this money come from? Chances are, it's your parent's property taxes. The collection, allocation, and distribution of tax money always raise grunts and groans. However, severe concerns are raised when money is hastily thrown in the direction of publically opposed RCMP enforcement while each year, issues of homelessness continue to grow. There are so many public issues that can desperately use this money and yet without fail, budgets continue to rise for law enforcement. And which laws is it again that are being enforced? 

Last week's flooding throughout the province has proved to have drastically impacted supply chains, distribution, and, even everyday citizens felt panic over limited gas supplies which were put under restriction. Now, photos have been released that show portions of the TransMountain Pipeline exposed following mudslides and flooding in the Coldwater River area. These resource development projects are - in theory - safe. And yet protests against Coastal Gaslink have been ongoing for almost two years saying exactly the opposite. Indigenous activists have been warning us about unseen complications of such projects, and these photos only serve to reinforce the messages that we should have listened to years ago. The climate is changing, and if we don't change with it, this is only the beginning of such unforeseen complications. 

Also, if you listen until the end, you get to hear about some pretty interesting survey results from a group project I conducted with my pals Aidan, Andrew, and Nick. You don't wanna miss it! 


